
Merger and Integration of NSTI Campus I and NSTI Campus II Bengaluru as NSTI Bengaluru,

Adherence to mandating CITS qualification for the req. of Vocational Instructors (VI) in ITIs -reg

Transfer orders in respect of Training Officer - reg., PDF icon Transfer Posting of the Training Officer - reg,

Utilization of Vocational Instructors for teaching CITS courses,

Trade eligibility of bench mark disabilities as per the RPWD Act, 2016

Revised fee structure of diploma courses

Re-distribution of Yearly Instructional hours of all trades under CTS-regarding,

Nomenclature of newly proposed 2 year Diploma courses

Transfer of responsibility of exam to CFI and Apprenticeship Section-regarding.

Inclusion of ITI passed as an entry criterion to Sector Skill Councils(SSCs)